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Some examples

The goal is to compute the most popular hashtag over a time window of 5 minutes and a slide interval of 1 seconds. See the solution in PopularHashtags.scala

As seen previously, the approach is to get the tweet text, splits it by words, and then generates key value pair for "(word, 1)" tuples, then uses a specific reduce operation (educeByKeyAndWindow) using time window:

// Map each hashtag to a key/value pair of (hashtag, 1) so we can count them up by adding up the values
val hashtagKeyValues = => (hashtag, 1))

// Now count them up over a 5 minute window sliding every one second
val hashtagCounts = hashtagKeyValues.reduceByKeyAndWindow( (x,y) => x + y, (x,y) => x - y, Seconds(300), Seconds(1))