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Spark programming with Python

PySpark is the Python API to perform real-time, large-scale data processing in a distributed environment using Python.

See the product documentation to learn how to use pySpark.

The advantages:

  • Write Spark app in Python.
  • Use interactive analysis of data in distributed environment.
  • Pandas workload to any size by running it distributed across multiple nodes.

Major constructs

  • PySpark DataFrames are implemented on top of RDD.
  • PySpark applications start with initializing SparkSession

    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
  • PySpark DataFrame can be created via pyspark.sql.SparkSession.createDataFrame typically by passing a list of lists, tuples, dictionaries and pyspark.sql.Rows, a pandas DataFrame and an RDD. It supports discovering the schema from the data, or explicit schema definition:

    df = spark.createDataFrame([
        (1, 2., 'string1', date(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0)),
        (2, 3., 'string2', date(2000, 2, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 2, 12, 0)),
        (3, 4., 'string3', date(2000, 3, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 3, 12, 0))
    ], schema='a long, b double, c string, d date, e timestamp')
    # show a summary of a data frame"a", "b", "c").describe().show()

Coding with PySpark

First python program

See code in src/samples folder.

All Spark python program need a main function and then can use SparkContext or sql.SparkSession

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sparkConfiguration = SparkConf().setAppName("App name")
    sparkSession = SparkContext(conf = sparkConfiguration)
    # .. do a lot of things

The main function build a spark session, loads the data in a RDD and performs transformation or actions.

    sparkConfiguration = SparkConf().setAppName("Get POST requests")
    sparkSession = SparkContext(conf = sparkConfiguration)
    # load text file in RDD
    lines = sparkSession.textFile('../data/access_log.txt')
    # get lines with POST trace
    posts = lines.filter(lambda l: "POST" in l).collect()
  • To run it, be sure docker compose has started a master node and at least one worker node.
  • Verify the Master console: http://localhost:8085/
  • Run the sample python program: To be able to run program as job on Spark cluster, we need to connect to the cluster and use spark-submit command.

    For that we are using another container instance, with the source code mounted to /home:

    docker run --rm -it --network spark-network -v $(pwd):/home jbcodeforce/spark bash

    In the shell within this container runs:

    bash-5.2# cd /home/src
    bash-5.2# spark-submit samples/

The traces illustrate the start of the Executor, the creation of a SparkContext, the scheduling of a job, the creation of a Python Runner, the DAG and the task executions.

Computing the lowest rated movie

The approach is to read the rating file and map each line to a SQL Row(movieID , rating) then transform it in data frame. From the DataFram it is easy to compute average rating for each movieID, and counts the number of time the movie is rated, joins the two data frames and finally pulls the top 10 results:

See the code in

bash-4.4# spark-submit samples/

Amityville: Dollhouse (1996) 1.0
Somebody to Love (1994) 1.0
Every Other Weekend (1990) 1.0
Homage (1995) 1.0
3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain (1998) 1.0
Bird of Prey (1996) 1.0
Power 98 (1995) 1.0
Beyond Bedlam (1993) 1.0
Falling in Love Again (1980) 1.0
T-Men (1947) 1.0

Assessing similar movies

This example is using Pandas with Spark to merge two files: movie rating and movie data. Spark context has the read_text function from different files into a single RDD. Then the code transforms this RDD in data frame, and uses pivot table.

Movie recommendations

It reads the rating file and maps each line to a SQL Row(userID , movieID , rating) then transforms it in data frame so it can apply ML recommendation using the Alternating Least Squares API on the dataframe. Once the model is fitted, takes the movies with at least 100 ratings, builds a test dataframe with the movie evaludated by user 0. From those movies, uses the model to do recommendations, finally gets the top 20 movies with the highest predicted rating for this user.

See the code in

bash-5.2# spark-submit samples/

Clerks (1994) 5.125946044921875
Die Hard (1988) 5.088437557220459
Star Wars (1977) 5.009941101074219
Army of Darkness (1993) 4.961264610290527
Empire Strikes Back, The (1980) 4.9492716789245605
Alien (1979) 4.911722183227539
Frighteners, The (1996) 4.8579559326171875
Reservoir Dogs (1992) 4.808855056762695
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 4.786505222320557
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982) 4.760307312011719
Terminator, The (1984) 4.759642124176025

Deeper dive