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See instructions here

# start
docker run -itd --name mydb2 --privileged=true -p 50000:50000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=<choose an instance password> -e DBNAME=testdb -v $(pwd)/db2data:/database ibmcom/db2

# Log on the container
docker exec -ti db2 bash -c "su - db2inst1"

# Start db2 CLI

(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007
Command Line Processor for DB2 Client

You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the command 

db2 connect reset 

Useful commands

# Create the sample DB; creating tables and data in schema "DB2INST1".
db2 sample -force -sql
# list current DB
db2 list database directory 
# Connect to it
db2 connect to sample user db2inst1
# list tables
 db2 list tables
# Look at the structure of a table
db2 describe table DB2INST1.ORDEREVENTS

DB2 on cloud

Once the service is created get the credential, user, jdbc url and password. Then to access it from a pod on OpenShift, define a secret with those variable encoded with base64

DB2 in OpenShift with operator

  • Install the DB2 operator from IBM Catalog: Operator Catalog product documentation
  • create a namespace: eda-dba
  • install the operator from the operator hub
  • Be sure to add ibm-registry secret with the ibm entitled key for the given user.
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-registry   \                   \
    --docker-username=cp                        \
    --docker-password=${ENTITLEDKEY}            \
    --docker-email=${USER}                      \
  • Create an instance using the good storage class and modifying the account as:
    accept: true
    privileged: true
      - ibm-registry    
  version: ""
  size: 1

Once the instance is created there are 4 pods running for each instance and one for the operator.

c-db2ucluster-sample-db2u-0                   1/1       Running     0          34m
c-db2ucluster-sample-etcd-0                   1/1       Running     0          35m
c-db2ucluster-sample-ldap-54b75695d5-dr8xr    1/1       Running     0          37m
c-db2ucluster-sample-tools-79c8f7659c-znpkw   1/1       Running     0          37m

IBM DB@ github