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How to implement a login page

The following requirements need to be supported:

  • The application has a login page to get email and password then once authenticated the user is routed to a home page where he can access a set of business functions.

The login mechanism needs a component and a service so we can package them as a module. So to prepare the code I use the following commands:

ng g module features/login
ng g component features/login
ng g service features/login

Start by tests of the login service

To do continuous testing start ng test

The first test to add is to get a User from a login operation given a user's email address as userid:

it('should get a user when calling login given username and password', () => {
  const user: User = loginService.login("","pwd");

I use the Jasmine fit function to focus on this test to avoid running all the other tests while developing a new function. After tuning the import the test is failing as expected, so we need to add login method, User and then implement a simple login:

login(email: string, passwd: string): User {

    const userInfo: User = { email: email, password: passwd, firstname: 'test', access_token: 'testToken' };
    return userInfo;

The second test is to verify the component for login and password form. We need to validate the user name as a mandatory field. The test in the login component looks like:

it('should have username as mandatory field', () => {
      const userNameElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css(('#usernameInput')));
      // the requirement is not on the input as html element attribute but in validation rule
      const componentInstance = userNameElement.componentInstance;

The test fails with "Cannot read property 'componentInstance' of null". So we need to create form and entry field in the login component. Follow the pattern introduced here

We need now to verify the routing to the home page when user is logged in.