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S3 storage aggregation with S3 Storage Lens and AWS Organization


Created 1/11/2023 - Updated 1/18/23

The goal of this lab is to demonstrate the single view in S3 Storage Lens of S3 bucket usages created in multiple regions, in multiple accounts.


  • Get one AWS Organization to centralize 2 child AWS accounts.
  • Get S3 buckets for the 2 accounts each in 2 regions.

  • Create a Storage Lens dashboard to see consolidated metrics.

AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations is an AWS managed service that helps us aggregate all of our AWS accounts under one organization hierarchy.

  • Invite or add an account from AWS Organization.

  • Enable trusted access from S3 Storage Lens to Organization, to aggregate storage metrics and usage data for all member accounts in our organization.

S3 Storage Lens

A service that aggregates our usage and activity metrics and displays the information in an interactive dashboard on the Amazon S3 console or through a metrics data export that can be downloaded in CSV or Parquet format.

  • [Optional] Add an accountID to be S3 Storage Lens administrator:

  • Create a S3 Storage Lens dashboard, using an home region to keep dashboard's states:

    Metrics are updated daily.

  • Still in the same web entry form, we should see the organization linked to the service, and select include all accounts and all regions:

  • We can select metrics and define new metrics, here we use the free ones:

    Metrics will help to find out how much storage we have across the entire organization. Which are the fastest-growing buckets and prefixes...

    We can specify advanced metrics to get prefix-level aggregation. Free metrics are available for queries for a 14-day period, and advanced metrics are available for queries for a 15-month period.

  • We export metrics generated every day, in CSV or Parquet format, and save result in the parent account's s3 bucket:

  • Finally the data should be encrypted at rest, so using S3 managed keys will be the default:

The dashboard is created and will get data in the next 24h to 48h.

Lens pricing can be found in the Management and Analytics tab in S3 pricing page.

Add files in buckets

  • Account 1: add buckets in regions us-west-2 and us-east-1
aws w3 cp ... s3://jb-data-set/
  • Account 2: add buckets in regions us-west-2

  • The results are reported in the Storage Lens dashboard, with a view per account (the aggregation is done during a time period we selected):

    or per region:
