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Cloud Development Kit - CDK

The AWS CDK lets us build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in AWS cloud with the different programming languages such as Go, Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, Typescript.

Build with high-level constructs to define any AWS resources with less code. The output of an AWS CDK program is an AWS CloudFormation template which can be deployed with the cdk CLI.


  • Developers write IaC code in their programming language, with the power of the language to do more complex things than in templates.
  • More flexible than SAM and less complex than CloudFormation templates.
  • Custom CDK constructs let developers encode and share security best practices and compliance measures across the enterprise.
  • Easier way to create lots of similar resources.
  • Ability to abstract truly boilerplate stuff like a VPC.

Some caveats

  • Multiple programming language means different developer groups will use different CDK implementation, leading to governance issues. In most enterprise it is not that relevant, and teams are still quite isolated and applying agile manifesto, use the tools they are more confortable to be efficient.
  • CDK abstraction level is may be too high and we have to learn by increment to clearly understand what each construct is really building as AWS resources.
  • It's easy to create a mess of resources without understanding the underlying purpose or intent.
  • With groups with clear separation between Ops and Dev teams, then SREs may not be able to support CDK apps.
  • A framework like SAM dictates how to do configuration, CDK libraries gives us contructs to work with.
  • Code and infrastructure code orgranization is a challenge and need strong practices to avoid not understanding what is what and what the deployment does. Often CloudFormation or SAM are better to understand.
  • At some point, we need to learn CloudFormation fundamentals, as when the If deployment fails, we have to go at the CloudFormation level.


The CDK cli is packaged as nodejs app. To install it:

npm install -g aws-cdk 

A docker file exists under the labs folder to get an environment with nodes, python 3.9, AWS CLI, CDK CLI...

# build the docker
docker build -t jbcodeforce/aws-python .
# Start the env
# verify installation
aws s3 ls
cdk --version
# In app folder and where the cdk.json file is, do
cdk synth


A CDK app defines one or more Stacks (= CloudFormation stack). A Stack includes a set of Constructs. Each Construct defines one or more concrete AWS resources.

Constructs, Stacks and apps, are represented as classes (types) in the selected programming language. We instantiate constructs within a Stack to declare them to AWS, and connect them to each other using well-defined interfaces. CDK includes a collection of constructs called the AWS Construct Python Library - V2 and a Construct hub to share them.

Here is an example of constructs defined in a Python class constructor for a lambda function and an API Gateway:

from aws_cdk import (Stack,aws_lambda,aws_apigw)

class MyLambdaStack(Stack):
    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
        my_lambda = aws_lambda.Function(self, 'HelloHandler',

            self, 'Endpoint',

There are 3 level of Constructs (L1 matches to cloud formation resources, L2 is higher level abstration of AWS resources, while L3 are patterns like APIGateway, or ALB for Fargate).

The AWS CDK Toolkit is a command line tool for interacting with CDK apps. Need to be in the folder of the cdk.json file to run it.

cdk --version
# Get the CloudFormation template
cdk ls

The first time we deploy an AWS CDK app into an environment (account/region), we’ll need to install a “bootstrap stack”.

cdk bootstrap aws://$ACCOUNT/$REGION -c account=$ACCOUNT -c environmentType=qa --profile $PROFILE

This stack includes resources that are needed for the toolkit’s operation. It requires dedicated Amazon S3 buckets to store template and assets.

CDK applications should be organized into logical units, such as API, database, and monitoring resources, and optionally have a pipeline for automated deployments.

For an application with multiple components/microservices, it is possible to organize different stacks, one per component for example, and then link them with a single app. See example in CDK project template or Autonomous Car Ride Solution

When packages begin to be used in multiple applications, move them to their own repository. This way, the packages can be referenced by application build systems that use them, and they can also be updated on cadences independent of the application life cycles.

Useful CDK commands

  • cdk ls list all stacks in the app
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to the default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk docs open CDK documentation
  • cdk watch monitors the code and assets for changes and attempts to perform a deployment automatically when a change is detected
  • cdk destroy remove all the resources/stacks. Most resources will get deleted upon stack deletion. CloudWatch logs that are permanently retained


CDK Python for an EC2

  • Summary of the actions to jumpstart a CDK sample app in python
# Create a python CDK project under a new created folder. The name of the folder defines the name of the app.
# It uses the sample-app template. If template is not specified the stack will have only constructor
cdk init sample-app --language python
# cdk init --language python 
# create virtual env
python3 -m venv .venv
# Active the virtual env
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then develop the CDK class to define the configuration needed, like in the following code: a simple EC2 instance with code define in user data script to prepare a web server based on nginx:
from aws_cdk import (
    aws_ec2 as ec2)

amzn_linux = ec2.MachineImage.latest_amazon_linux(
with open("./user_data/") as f:
    user_data =

class Ec2Stack(Stack):
    self.instance = ec2.Instance(self, "myHttpdEC2",

See more information on the EC2 Instance API.

  • Run the cloud formation template generation and then deploy it to the account / region
# Synthesize the Cloud Formation template 
cdk synth
# The first time bootstrap the stack - which will create a CF CDKToolkit
cdk bootstrap
# or using account and region
cdk bootstrap aws://4....../us-west-2
# Deploy the stack
cdk deploy
# Update the code and do a partial (hotswappable) deployment
cdk deploy --hotswap
# Set name for the context
dk deploy  --context s3bucketname=<the name of the s3 bucket> --all
  • Then go to the CloudFormation console and look at the deployed stack, and resources.

Some personal examples

Folder Description
labs/cdk/ec2-basic EC2 with http server, and security group for inbound traffic deployed on default VPC
labs/cdk/ec2-vpc EC2 with VPC and public & private subnets, NAT, IGW, Bastion Host
labs/cloud9 for a cloud9 environment for a specific VPC
labs/cdk/cdk_workhop Lambda functions in python with an API gateway and TableViewer.
lab ECS fargate Flask App VPC with ECS fargate for a Flask APP where container is created during deployment
lab EKS VPC with EKS cluster deployment
cdk with lambda and API gateway Python lambda + API gateway
cdk python for lambda, dynamo, api gtw, powertools (autonomous car manager) Python lambda + API gateway, dynamoDB, iam policy, Alias and version
Lambda java cdk
AWS CDK my project template A template project to organize java deployment on ECR with CDK infrastructure.
AWS resiliency studies With VPC, ELB, ASG, EC2
ec2-vpce-s3 to map the connection debug use case EC2 to VPC gateway endpoint to S3 bucket

CDK Blueprint for EKS

Other tools - samples

Some how-tos

Create a role for an EC2 instance to access S3
role = iam.Role(self, "Role",
Create EC2 in public subnet

With an instance profile role, defined from a previous declaration:

self.instance = ec2.Instance(self, "myHttpdEC2",
                            instance_type= ec2.InstanceType("t2.micro"),

Declare RDS postgresql with secrets

The following python CDK code declares a Postgresql DB in a private subnet within a VPC created before. The access is public. CDK will create a secret in AWS Secret manager.

 self.postgres = aws_rds.DatabaseInstance(self, "PostgresqlInstance",
Create a user with a policy

Python user class. Use password so user can access console and use API.

    user = iam.User(self,
    # or 

See this cdk for the abac tutorials

Create IAM policy

See Policy class. Force to true to get the policy being created as managed policy.

policy = iam.Policy(self,"ecr-auth-token-policy",
            statements= [
                    actions= ["ecr:GetAuthorizationToken"],
            force= True   
Get existing VPC reference
    # Retrieve default VPC information
    self.vpc = aws_ec2.Vpc.from_lookup(self, "VPC",

For other VPC change is_default to False and provide the vpcName.

# get the vpc-id from parameter store
vpc_id = ssm.StringParameter.value_from_lookup(self, "/vpc-id")

# get the Vpc from the id
vpc = ec2.Vpc.from_lookup(self, "vpc", vpc_id=vpc_id)

# get the subnets in AZ a from the vpc
subnets_in_az_a = vpc.select_subnets(availability_zones=["ap-southeast-2a"])

# create AZ lookup
az_lookup = {}

# iterate over the AZ a subnets 
for subnet in subnets_in_az_a.subnets:
    az_lookup[subnet.subnet_id] = subnet.availability_zone

# iterate over the public subnets 
for subnet in vpc.public_subnets: 
    az_lookup[subnet.subnet_id] = subnet.availability_zone

# fetch the isolated subnets list from parameter store
iso_subnet_ids = ssm.StringParameter.value_from_lookup(self, "/iso-subnets").split(",")

#create an list to store the subnets in
iso_subnets = []

# iterate over the subnet ids and create the full Subnet object includeing AZ
iso_count = 1
for subnet_id in iso_subnet_ids:
            "IsoSub" + str(iso_count),
    iso_count += 1

We can also use boto3 and then get VPC by name:

client = boto3.client('ec2',region_name='us-east-1')
    response = client.describe_vpcs(
                        'Name': 'tag:Name',
                        'Values': [
    if len(response['Vpcs']) > 0:
        vpc= None
    return vpc

Inject Database URL and admin password as env variable

First there is those excellent PyPI examples for RDS instance creation. Then when using TaskImageOptions from the ecs_patterns library there is an environment element.

                                                + ".dkr.ecr."
                                                + str(self.region)
                                                + ""),
            environment = {
                "QUARKUS_DATASOURCES_JDBC_URL" : "jdbc:postgresql://" + str(dbCarRides.db_instance_endpoint_address),

            task_role = taskRole
The database Credentials.from_generated_secret function creates a Secret in SecretManager, with the name rds-secret:

Unit testing a stack

Uses the AWS CDK's assertions module, to validate "this resource has this property with this value."

python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m pytest

Another example of passing a shell script as EC2 user data
data = open("./VPCstack/", "rb").read()

See VPC stack and bastion host.

Create a lambda (env variable) with an API gateway

Create a folder, api/runtime, to include the python code for the lambda:, function lambda_handler:

# import
    aws_lambda as lambda_,
    aws_apigateway as apigw,

myLambda = lambda_.Function(self,
                runtime= lambda_.Runtime.PYTHON_3_10,
                    'BUCKET_NAME': s3Bucket.bucket_name,

Add API Gateway with a POST:

apiGtw = apigw.RestApi(self, "CWdemoApi",
images = apiGtw.root.add_resource('images')
images.add_method('POST',  apigw.LambdaIntegration(getImageFct))
See code whisperer demo

Create a bastion from a custom AMI (Java 17, maven, docker)

See the VPCstack definition in aws-cdk-project template. Attention bastion does not have role

Access env account from stack
Add VPCFlow to a VPC
from aws_cdk import aws_logs as logs

cwLogs = logs.LogGroup(self, '/aws/vpc/flowlogs')
Passing context variables

The call to deploy pass the information to the context:

dk deploy  --context s3bucketname=<the name of the s3 bucket> --all

And in the stack definition:

Install python dependencies while deploying Lambda

To install Python packages when deploying a Lambda function using the CDK, you can use the Code.fromAsset() option and specify a bundling command that runs pip install.

acm_lambda = aws_lambda.Function(self, 'CarMgrService',
        code= aws_lambda.Code.from_asset(path="../src/carmgr",
                        image= aws_lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_11.bundling_image,
                        command= [
                            'bash','-c','pip install -r requirements.txt -t /asset-output && cp -au . /asset-output'