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Reefer container shipment solution integration tests

The Reefer container shipment solution comes with a set of integration test cases to ensure the end to end functionality of the application. These test cases are part of our CI/CD process so that we ensure every new pull request that brings new code in does not break or modify the correct functionality of the application.

So far we have the following integration test cases:

New integration test cases will be added in order to test other parts of the application as well as use cases and other Event Driven Patterns.

How to run the integration test cases


In order to run the integration tests against the Reefer container shipment solution you first need to have this solution deployed on an Openshift or Kubernetes cluster. The solution is made up of:

  1. Backing services such as IBM Event Streams and PostgreSQL - Instructions here.
  2. The Reefer container shipment solution components - Instructions here.

Once you have the solution deployed into your cluster, apart from an instance of IBM Event Streams and PostgreSQL either on premises or in IBM Cloud, you should have the following components at the very least for the integration tests to run:

$ oc get pods
pod/ordercommandms-deployment-7cfcf65ffc-ffbxt 1/1 Running 0 32d
pod/orderqueryms-deployment-5ff4fd44d-ghrg6 1/1 Running 0 32d
pod/springcontainerms-deployment-7f78fc9b64-kt2pf 1/1 Running 0 32d
pod/voyagesms-deployment-7775bb8974-h8vj4 1/1 Running 0 32d

The integration test cases have been implemented to be run as a kubernetes job called reefer-itgtests-job. This job consist of a tailored python container where the integration tests, which are written in Python, will get executed in. The yaml file that will create such kubernetes job, called ReeferItgTests.yaml, can be found under the itg-tests/es-it folder in this very same repository. The reason for creating a tailored python container which to execute the integration tests in is because we can then control the execution environment for the integration tests. This way we ensure the appropriate libraries, permissions, etc are as expected. This tailored python container docker image is publicly available in the Docker Hub (ibmcase/kcontainer-python:itgtests). Please, make sure you can access the Docker Hub public registries from your OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.

The integration tests also require of some variables being defined beforehand, some of which need to be defined as secrets or configMaps within your kubernetes namespace or OpenShift project, such as KAFKA_APIKEY, KAFKA_BROKERS and the IBM Event Streams PEM certificate (in case you are working with IBM Event Streams on premise), where the Reefer container shipment solution has been deployed into. You should have got these secrets or configMaps already created when deploying your backing services in #1 of this pre-requisites section.

Other required variables for the integration tests need to be defined within the kubernetes job yaml file:

  • Orders topic name: This could be specified within the integration tests kubernetes job yaml file under the variable ITGTESTS_ORDERS_TOPIC which defaults to itg-orders.

  • Order Command topic name: This could be specified within the integration tests kubernetes job yaml file under the variable ITGTESTS_ORDER_COMMANDS_TOPIC which defaults to itg-order-commands.

  • Containers topic name: This could be specified within the integration tests kubernetes job yaml file under the variable ITGTESTS_CONTAINERS_TOPIC which defaults to itg-containers.

  • Container anomaly retry topic name: This could be specified within the integration tests kubernetes job yaml file under the variable ITGTESTS_CONTAINER_ANOMALY_RETRY_TOPIC which defaults to itg-container-anomaly-retry.

  • Container anomaly dead topic name: This could be specified within the integration tests kubernetes job yaml file under the variable ITGTESTS_CONTAINER_ANOMALY_DEAD_TOPIC which defaults to itg-container-anomaly-dead.

  • Kafka Environment: It should be either OCP or IBMCLOUD depending on where your IBM Event Streams instance is deployed onto. If it is deployed on premises in your OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster, then it KAFKA_ENV should be set to OCP. If you are using an IBM Event Streams instance in the IBM Cloud, then KAFKA_ENV should be set to IBMCLOUD.

    This is important as the IBM Event Streams on-prem instances require a PEM certificate for the Kafka libraries to successfully connect to it. So, if you are using IBM Event Streams on-prem in your OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster, you also have to:

    1. Uncomment the bottom part of the integration tests kubernetes job yaml file.
    2. Make sure you created the eventstreams-pem-file secret that will hold your IBM Event Streams PEM certificate, in step #1 of this pre-requisites section.

IMPORTANT: For the integration test suite to work fine, more precisely to get the test case for testing the Dead Letter Queue pattern) to succeed, we must mockup the BPM integration which we have developed some internal endpoints for. To use the BPM mockup endpoints, you will need to make sure the bpm-anomaly configMap you created for the Spring Container microservice component of the Reefer container shipment solution holds the following values for the url and login attributes:

login: 'http://localhost:8080/bpm_mockup/login'
url: 'http://localhost:8080/bpm_mockup/bpm_process_404'

You can do so by manually editing the configMap:

$ oc edit configmap bpm-anomaly -n eda-integration

The above will require to restart the Spring Container microservice component, although we strongly suggest the integration tests are run on a separate testing environment where the bpm-anomaly (and any other configuration item) holds testing values as well as the recreation of the kafka topics involved in the integration tests suite.


In order to run the integration test cases for the Reefer container shipment solution, we need to create the the job that will run these. To create the job, we simply execute:

oc apply -f ReeferItgReefer.yaml -n <namespace>

You should see the following output:

job.batch/reefer-itgtests-job created

and if you list the pods in your namespace you should see a new pod which is running the integration tests:

$ oc get pods | grep itgtests
reefer-itgtests-job-x594k 1/1 Running 0 2m

Once the integration tests have finished, the pod should transition to completed status:

$ oc get pods
reefer-itgtests-job-x594k 0/1 Completed 0 3m

and the job output should be like:

$ oc get jobs
reefer-itgtests-job 1 1 3m


If we want to inspect the output of the integration tests, we would need to get the logs for the pod that ran them:

$ oc logs e2e-reefer-itgtests-job-x594k

The output of the integration test cases is made up of a brief description of the execution environment:

-- Reefer Container Shipment EDA application Integration Tests --
Executing integrations tests from branch master of
Kafka Brokers:,,,,,
Orders topic name: itg-orders

Then, each of the three test cases outlined in the introduction of this readme file will get executed, each of them beginning with a header like:

********** E2E Happy Path ************

After the header, the different tests within the test case will get executed. Each of these comes with a header and look like:

--- [TEST] : Voyage Assigned ---
1 - Load the expected voyage assigned event on the order topic from its json files
The expected voyage assigned event is:
"payload": {
"orderID": "a467070e-797e-40f9-9644-7393e8553f1f",

A summary of the test case execution is shown at the end of each test case:

Ran 7 tests in 64.262s

A final summary of all tests cases is shown at the very end and looks like the following:

TEST CASE - E2EHappyPath