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OpenShift FAQ


To get connection details from the config map in the kube-public namespace:

kubectl get cm ibmcloud-cluster-info -n kube-public -o yaml

The cluster_address value for the master address, and the cluster_router_https_port for the port number.

How to get a token for login

As soon as a service account is created, two secrets are automatically added to it:

  • an API token
  • credentials for the OpenShift Container Registry

To access the token you can go to the Openshift container platform web console, and select the user icon on the top right and the command: copy login command you should have the token.

oc login -u apikey -p I173tzup --server=

Strange message from login

Some oc login command may return a strange message: error: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value. This is due to the fact that the response is a HTML page. This is a problem of server URL. The Server parameter has to correspond to your OpenShift API server endpoint. When deploy on premise be sure to use the k8s master URL.

Login and push image to private registry

OpenShift could manage its own image private registry service. The default name and URL is docker-registry-default.apps..... See the product documentation here to install it.

Below is the step to push a docker images

  • Login to OpenShift cluster (get secure token from OpenShift console)
  • If not done before add registry-viewer role to your user: oc policy add-role-to-user registry-viewer $(oc whoami) and oc policy add-role-to-user registry-editor $(oc whoami)
  • Look up the internal OpenShift Docker registry address by using the following command:
kubectl get routes docker-registry -n default
  • Login to docker registry:
docker login -u john -p $(oc whoami -t)

If you get this message: Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority, add the certificate to the docker client certificates:

    * Get the certificate: `oc extract -n default secrets/registry-certificates --keys=registry.crt`
    * Put the certificate in `~/.docker/certs.d/` 
    * Restart docker desktop
  • Tag the image with registry name:
docker tag ibmcase/kc-ordercommandms
  • Push the image
docker push
  • Accessing the registry console:

  • Generate deployment.yaml and services.yaml from helm templates:

helm template --set image.repository=docker-registry.default.svc:5000/reefershipmentsolution/kc-ordercommandms --set kafka.brokersConfigMap=kafka-brokers --set eventstreams.enabled=true --set eventstreams.apikeyConfigMap=eventstreams-apikey --set serviceAccountName=kcontainer-runtime  --namespace reefershipmentsolution --output-dir templates chart/ordercommandms
  • Refresh an existing pod with the new image using oc delete <deployment.yaml> and oc apply <deployment.yaml>


Deploy any docker image

Just reference the docker image name from the dockerhub public repository

oc new-app busybox

For mongodb using a local env file to specify the different environment variables to be used for deployment

oc new-app --env-file=mongo.env --docker-image=openshift/mongodb-24-centos7

Copy a file to an existing running container

# os rsync local folder to running pod
oc rsync $(pwd) my-connect-connect-54485b7896-k5lsj:/tmp
oc rsh my-connect-connect-54485b7896-k5lsj 
ls /tmp
# can copy file too

How to setup TLS/SSL certificate

The approach is to use secret and mounted volume to inject the SSL certifcate file so the app can use it to connect over TLS.

If you have the key and certificates as remoteapptoaccess.key and remoteappaccess.crt, you may need to encode them with base64:

$ base64 remoteapptoaccess.keys
$ base64 remoteapptoaccess.crt

Then create a TLS secret descriptor for kubernetes:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: remoteapp-tls-secret
type: Opaque

If you only have the crt file, you just define the data for it.

In the client app deployment.yaml set a mount point: (the following deployment example, is not complete, there are missing arguments linked to the app itself)

apiVersion:  apps/v1
kind: Deployment 
    app: clientApp
  name: clientApp
  replicas: 1
      - image: yourregistry/yournamespace/imagename
        name: clientapp
          - mountPath: "/client/path/inside/container/ssl"
            name: ssl-path
            readOnly: true
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: ssl-path
            secretName: remoteapp-tls-secret

This declaration will add two files (remoteapptoaccess.key, remoteapptoaccess.crt) under the /client/path/inside/container/ssl folder. If the SSL certs and keys are not in the default folder expected by the application, environment variables should specify the paths.

What's new in OpeShift 4.6

  • installer: support disconnected env.


  • remote worker nodes: need to be in the same subnetwork. Share the control plane / supervisor. Tolerant to disruption.
  • Full stack automation (Installer Provisioned Infrastructure) installation on bare metal
  • serverless eventing
  • kubernetes 1.19
  • Open Virtual Network (OVN): CNI network plugin
  • security compliance operator.
  • monitoring your own services.
  • new log forwarding API (ClusterLogForwarder CRD): to elastic search, kafka, fluentd, syslog...

Project removal stay in Terminating state

  • List resources not deleted: example on the project edademo-dev
 oc api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 oc get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n edademo-dev
  • Remove for each object still present, the finalizers declaration:
# Example for an argocd app which has created the project
oc patch -n edademo-dev rolebinding/edademo-dev-rolebinding --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}'
oc patch -n edademo-dev rolebinding/argocd-admin   --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}'
oc patch -n edademo-dev rolebinding/edit  --type=merge -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers":null}}'