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Demonstration Script


The goal of the demonstration is to send two messages to illustrate client creation and update message in this order. Then each message is enriched and routed to different topics.

The sequence of business operations:

  • Bob TheBuilder is a new client so a web app is creating the record via a POST operation to the client management simulator
  • The client record is updated by adding a beneficiary as spouce
  • Then email address is changed.

We can do two type of environment:

Local execution demonstration

  1. Pre-requisites

    • You have docker desktop or a compatible product installed on your laptop.
  2. Under the project top folder starts docker compose:

    # life-insurance-demo
    docker-compose up -d
  3. Verify the existing topics are empty, using the open source tool called Kafdrop:

    chrome http://localhost:9000/

  4. When the simulator starts, it sends the categories as reference data to the lf-category topic, which you can verify in Kafdrop

  5. Configure Kafka MQ Source connector so data sent by the Simulator to MQ are moved to Kafka lf-raw-tx topic:

    Result should look like:

  6. To access the MQ Console use the following URL

    chrome https://localhost:9443

    You shoud reach a login page (admin/passw0rd) and then the Home page

  7. Send a new client creation command: which does a HTTP POST to the simulator URL /api/v1/clients.

    # under home
    ./e2e/local/ ./e2e/data/client-julie.json
  8. Verify the data is now in the lf-raw-tx

  9. The Stream processing has routed the transaction to the lf-tx-a topic

  10. Create a second transaction with one error (the category id is wrong), the message is routed to the dead letter queue

    ./e2e/local/ ./e2e/data/client-bob-1.json

  11. Modify the client with a business category

    ./e2e/local/ ./e2e/data/client-bob-2.json
  12. All the transactions are kept in order to reprocess if needed:

  13. Stop your environment

    docker compose down

OpenShift Deployment demonstration

  1. Pre-requisites

    • You have te make tool
  2. Deploy the solution with one commmand

    cd environments
    make all

    See more detail in this section

  3. Verify your environments

    • Verify MQ source connector is ready
    oc get kafkaconnectors  
    # Output>
    # NAME        CLUSTER                CONNECTOR CLASS                                           MAX TASKS   READY
    # mq-source   eda-kconnect-cluster   1           True
    • Deeper view of the connector
    oc describe kafkaconnector mq-source
  4. Access the Simulator App


  5. Access the Simulator APIs by clicking on q/swagger-ui link from the home page:

  6. Use the POST on /api/v1/clients to send a client creation command with the following data:

        "id": "101012",
        "code": "C02",
        "insuredPerson": {
            "id": 2,
            "code": "P02",
            "first_name": "julie",
            "last_name": "thesimmer",
            "address": "10 market street, CA, San Franciso",
            "phone": "650-650-650",
            "mobile": "",
            "email": ""
        "client_category_id": 1

    The request:

    The response with a populated id:

  7. Verify the message reaches the Kafka topic named lf-raw-tx

>>> Next: OpenShift Deployment detail