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To Event Streams to Kafka cluster on-premise

Scenario 3: From Event Streams to local kafka cluster

For this scenario the source is Event Streams on IBM Cloud and the target is a local Kafka cluster.

Scenario 3

As a prerequisite you need to run your local cluster, for example using docker compose as introduced in this note.

This time the producer adds headers to the Records sent so we can validate headers replication. The file es-cluster/ declares the mirroring settings as below:

clusters=source, target,,,,,
source.sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="token" password="985...";
# enable and configure individual replication flows
  • Start mirror maker2.0:

    By using a new container, start another kakfa 2.4+ docker container, connected to the brokers via the kafkanet network, and mounting the configuration in the /home:

    docker run -ti --network kafkanet -v $(pwd):/home strimzi/kafka:latest-kafka-2.4.0 bash

    Inside this container starts mirror maker 2.0 using the script: /opt/kakfa/bin/

    /opt/kakfa/bin/ /home/

    The properties file given as argument defines the source and target clusters and the topics to replicate.

  • The consumer may be started in second or third step. To start it, you can use a new container or use one of the running kafka broker container. Using the Docker perspective in Visual Code, we can get into a bash shell within one of the Kafka broker container. The local folder is mounted to /home. Then the script, source.orders will get messages from the replicated topic: source.orders

Scenario 4: From Event Streams On Cloud to Strimzi Cluster on Openshift

We are reusing the Event Streams on Cloud cluster on Washington DC data center as source target and the vanilla Kafka 2.4 cluster as target, also running within Washington data center in a OpenShift Cluster. As both clusters are in the same data center, we deploy Mirror Maker 2.0 close to target kafka cluster.


If you have provisioned a mirror maker from the documentation here, you do not need to do the next step, but go to produce and consumer messages.

  1. Deploy mirror maker 2.0 with good configuration: As we use the properties file approach the Dockerfile helps us to build a custom MM2 with Prometheus JMX exporter and for configuration. The file specifies source and target cluster:

    clusters=source, target
    source.sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="token" password="<REPLACE-WITH-ES-APIKEY>";
    # enable and configure individual replication flows

    Start Mirror Maker 2.0: we use the properties setting one with custom docker image.

    oc apply -f mirror-maker/mm2-deployment.yaml
  2. Produce some records to products topic on Event Streams. For that create a properties file ( with the event streams API KEY and SASL_SSL properties:

    sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="token" password="...."

    Then starts a local container with Kafka 2.4 and console producer:

    export KAFKA_BROKERS="event streams broker list"
    docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/home --rm -e KAFKA_BROKERS=$KAFKA_BROKERS strimzi/kafka:latest-kafka-2.4.0 bash -c "/opt/kafka/bin/ --broker-list $KAFKA_BROKERS --producer.config /home/ --topic products"

    For the data, you can use any text, or the products we have in the data folder.

  3. To validate the target source.products topic has records, start a consumer as pod on Openshift within the source Kafka cluster using the Strimzi/kafka image.

oc run kafka-consumer -ti --image=strimzi/kafka:latest-kafka-2.4.0 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server eda-demo-24-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic source.products --from-beginning

If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

{ "product_id": "P01", "description": "Carrots", "target_temperature": 4,"target_humidity_level": 0.4,"content_type": 1}
{ "product_id": "P02", "description": "Banana", "target_temperature": 6,"target_humidity_level": 0.6,"content_type": 2}
{ "product_id": "P03", "description": "Salad", "target_temperature": 4,"target_humidity_level": 0.4,"content_type": 1}


When the source or target cluster is deployed on Openshift, the exposed route to access the brokers is using TLS connection. So we need the certificate and create a truststore to be used by the consumer or producer Java programs. All kafka tools are done in java or scala so running in a JVM, which needs truststore for keep trusted TLS certificates. See this section for the steps to build the truststore.