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Java programming with VScode

Some Editor tricks

The access to the command palette shift -> cmd -> P

palette and access to preview a file like a csv.


  • main to get public void main....
  • sysout for System.out...
  • F2 to refactor name
  • cmd -> click to navigate to the source of a class
  • opt -> Shift -> o to organize import
  • cmd -> shift -> O get the code outline
  • cmd -> P navigate project file

Run a java main

Create a configuration with the name of the class and arguments. See example here.. Something like:

 "configurations": [
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Debug (Launch)",
            "request": "launch",
            "mainClass": "jbcodeforce.p1.WordCountMain",
            "args": "wc.txt"

VSCode tricks

  • Control the file exposed (like removing eclipse related file) -> code -> Preferences -> Settings -> your-existing-projectname -> Commonly used, file exclude and then enter a pattern like (**/.classpath)
  • Java Dependencies view helps to get the code of the used dependencies
  • Run maven goals from the maven projects view in the Explorer
  • Avoid file closed when not edited: double clicks on the file header so it changes from italic to regular.
  • Control the number of columns in editor: Settings > Editor: Word Wrap > wordWrapColumn, Settings > Editor: Word Wrap Column = 100


Codelens debugging

Set environment variables

select Debug > Open Configurations then you should see a set of launch configurations for debugging your code. You can then add to it an env property with a dictionary of string:string.

            "env": {
                "BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS": "localhost:9092",
                "TOPIC_NAME": "orders"


  • Failed to launch debugger in terminal. Reason: Failed to launch debuggee in terminal. Reason: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: timeout: this was done by unknown localhost resolution due to some DNS setting on mac.

Quarkus support

Create a new projet: shift -> cmd -> P: Quarkus: Generate a Maven project Start debugger: shift -> cmd -> P: Quarkus: Debug current Quarkus Project to create a configuration.

Add code for a resource: Add a java file and use qrc in editor.

To add an extension to current project: shift -> cmd -> P: Quarkus:add an extension to current project.

In the outline view, we can get a tree view for