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Confluent Platform for Flink

The official documentation after 12/2024 release. The main points are:

  • Fully compatible with open-source Flink.
  • Deploy on Kubernetes using Helm
  • Define environment, which group applications
  • Deploy application with user interface and task manager cluster
  • Exposes custom kubernetes operator for specific CRD

The figure below presents the Confluent Flink components deployed on Kubernetes:

  • CFK supports the management of custom CRD, based as of not on the Flink for Kubernetes Operator
  • CMF adds security control, and REST API server for the cli or HTTP client
  • FKO is the open source Flink for Kubernetes Operator
  • Flink cluster are created from command and CRDs and run Flink applications within an environment

Be sure to have confluent cli.

Local deployment using Minikube

See product instructions

  • Start minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8048
  • Add the Confluent Platform repository:

    helm repo add confluentinc
    helm repo update
    helm repo list
  • Install certificate manager under the cert-manager namespace

    kubectl create -f
    kubeclt get pods -n cert-manager
  • Create 3 namespaces:

    kubectl create namespace cpf
    kubectl create namespace confluent
    kubectl create namespace flink
  • Install the Flink Kubernetes Operator (FKO), to the default namespace. It can take sometime to pull the image.

    helm upgrade --install cp-flink-kubernetes-operator confluentinc/flink-kubernetes-operator --set watchNamespaces={flink}
  • Install Minio operator for object storage, to be able :

    brew install minio/stable/mc
    # Verify installation
    mc --help
  • Install Confluent Manager for Flink using the cmf helm chart to the cpf namespace:

    helm upgrade --install cmf confluentinc/confluent-manager-for-apache-flink --namespace cpf
    kubectl get pods -n cpf
  • Config minio under minio-dev namespace

    # under deploymenet/k8s/cpf
    kubectl apply -f minio-dev.yaml
    kubectl get pods -n minio-dev
  • Install Confluent Platform (Kafka) operator for kubernetes:

    helm upgrade --install confluent-operator confluentinc/confluent-for-kubernetes --namespace confluent
    kubectl apply -f cp-kafka.yaml
    kubectl get pods -n  confluent
  • Do a port forwarding to the CMF REST api, so the Confluent cli can interact with the operator:

    kubectl get svc -n cpf 
    kubectl port-forward -n cpf svc/cmf-service 8080:80
  • Create a Flink environment

    confluent flink environment create development --kubernetes-namespace flink --url http://localhost:8080

Deploy a sample app

  • Validate installation with a sample app:

    confluent flink application create --environment development --url http://localhost:8080 example-deployment.json
  • Access Web UI

    confluent flink application web-ui-forward --environment development basic-example --url http://localhost:8080
  • Delete the application

    confluent flink application delete --environment development basic-example --url http://localhost

Deploy a custom app using minio

  • Setup minio Client, with credential saved to $HOME/.mc/config.json`

    kubectl port-forward pod/minio 9000 9090 -n minio-dev
    # manage server credentials in configuration file
    mc alias set dev-minio http://localhost:9000 minioadmin minioadmin
    # make a bucket
    mc mb dev-minio/flink
  • Upload application to minio bucket:

    mc cp ./kafka-reader-writer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar dev-minio/flink/kafka-reader-writer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    # list buckets and objects  
    mc ls dev-minio/flink
  • Start application

    confluent flink application create --environment development --url http://localhost:8080 kafka-deployment.json
    # Open web UI
    confluent flink application web-ui-forward --environment development kafka-reader-writer-example --url http://localhost:8080
  • Produce messages to kafka topic

    echo 'message1' | kubectl exec -i -n confluent kafka-0 -- /bin/kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server kafka.confluent.svc.cluster.local:9092 --topic in
  • Cleanup

    # the Flink app
    confluent flink application delete kafka-reader-writer-example --environment development --url http://localhost:8080
    # the Kafka cluster
    # the operators

Some troubleshooting commands

  • Get node resource capacity

    k describe node minikube
  • Use kubectl describe pod to understand what happen for a pod, and logs on the flink operator.

Important source of information for deployment

Metadata management service for RBAC

Docker local

See the cp-all-in-one for local Confluent platform docker compose files with Flink too.

Same cli commands:

confluent flink  environment create myenv --kubernetes-namespace flink --url http://localhost:8080
confluent flink application list --environment myenv --url http://localhost:8080

Monitoring and Troubleshouting