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Flink SQL and Table API


Created 10/24 Revised 11/03/24

This chapter offers a compilation of best practices for implementing Flink SQL, applicable to both local open-source setups and environments utilizing Confluent Platform for Flink or Confluent Cloud for Flink.

Getting Started with a SQL client

Use one of the following approaches:

  • Use SQL client in container (docker or kubernetes) to run against local Flink cluster. (See deployment/custom-flink-image folder to build a custom image using the dockerfile with the sql-client service).
  • Use Confluent Cloud Flink console to write long running statements.
  • Use confluent cli connected to a compute pool on Confluent Cloud, using an environment and compute-pool already created. (To create a new environment using Terraform use this note)
SQL client with confluent cli

See quick start note which is summarized as:

  • Connect to Confluent Cloud with CLI, then get environment and compute pool
confluent login --save
  • Start local SQL client - using the aws-west environment.
export ENV_ID=$(confluent environment list -o json | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "aws-west") | .id')
export COMPUTE_POOL_ID=$(confluent flink compute-pool list -o json | jq -r '.[0].id')
confluent flink shell --compute-pool $COMPUTE_POOL_ID --environment $ENV_ID
  • Write SQL statements

  • Some interesting commands:

USE CATALOG `examples`;
USE `marketplace`;
DESCRIBE tablename;

DDL statements

Data Definition Language (DDL) are statements to define metadata in Flink SQL by creating, changing, or deleting tables.

A table registered with the CREATE TABLE statement can be used as both table source and table sink.

Flink can generate updates for a given key. There are different modes for persistence: append, retract or upsert.

  • append means that every row can be treated as an independent fact.
  • retract means that the combination of +X and -X are related and must be partitioned together.
  • upsert means that all rows with same primary key are related and must be partitioned together

The change.lod is set up using the WITH ('changelog.mode' = 'upsert').

Changelog in Flink SQL is used to record the data changes in order to achieve incremental data processing. Some operations in Flink such as group aggregation and deduplication can produce update events.

See the concept of changelog and dynamic tables in Confluent documentation.

Table creation

Primary key considerations
  • primary key can have one or more columns, all of them are not null
  • the keys can only be NOT ENFORCED
  • The PRIMARY KEY constraint partitions the table implicitly by the key column
  • The primary key is becoming the kafka key implicitly.
Create a table with csv file as persistence - Flink OSS

We need to use file system connector.

create table user (
    'user_id VARCHAR(250),
    'name' VARCHAR(50)
) partitioned by ('used-id')
    'format' = 'json', -- other format are: csv, parquet
    'connector' = 'filesystem',
    'path' = '/tmp/users'
how to join two tables on a key within a time window and store results in target table?
create table Transactions (ts TIMESTAMP(3), tid BIGINT, amount INT);
create table Payments (ts TIMESTAMP(3), tid BIGINT, type STRING);
create table Matched (tid BIGINT, amount INT, type STRING);
insert into Matched 
    select T.tid, T.amount, P.type
    from Transactions T join Payments P ON T.tid = P.tid 
    where P.ts between T.ts and T.ts + interval '10' minutes;
How to consume from a Kafka topic to a SQL table?

On Confluent Cloud for flink, there are already tables created for each topic. For local Flink we need to create table with column definitions that maps to attributes of the record. The From right operand proposes the list of topic/table for the catalog and database selected. For Flink OSS or Confluent Platform for Flink the WITH statement helps to specify the source topic.

select .... from TableName 
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'flight_schedules',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
    '' = 'fs_grp',
    'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',

For Avro and schema registry with open source Flink. See the tools to query Confluent Schema Registry running locally and build the matching SQL to create a table connected to the topic using this schema.

CREATE TABLE shoe_customers (
    id STRING,
    first_name STRING,
    last_name STRING,
    email STRING,
    phone STRING,
    street_address STRING,
    state STRING,
    zip_code STRING,
    country STRING,
    country_code STRING
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'shoe_customers',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'broker:29092',
    'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
    'key.format' = 'raw',
    'key.fields' = 'id',
    'value.format' = 'avro-confluent',
    '' = 'flink-sql-consumer',
    'value.fields-include' = 'ALL',
    'value.avro-confluent.url' = 'http://schema-registry:8081'
How to load data from a csv file using filesystem connector using SQL (Local execution only)

Enter the following statement in a SQL client session:

SET execution.runtime-mode=BATCH;
Create a table from the content of the file

CREATE TABLE employee_info (
    emp_id INT,
    name VARCHAR,
    dept_id INT
) WITH ( 
    'connector' = 'filesystem',
    'path' = '/home/flink-sql-demos/00-basic-sql/data/employees.csv',
    'format' = 'csv'

Show tables and list some elements within the table.


SELECT * from employee_info WHERE dept_id = 101;

Show how the table is created:

show create table orders;

See complete example in the readme

How to add a field in a table?


alter table flight_schedules add(dt string);
Create a table as another by inserting record from another table with similar schema - select (CTAS)

CREATE TABLE AS SELECT is used to create table and insert values in the same statement.

By using a primary key:

create table shoe_customer_keyed(
    primary key(id) not enforced
) distributed by(id) into 1 buckets
as select id, first_name, last_name, email from shoe_customers;
How to generate data using Flink Faker?

Create at table with records generated with faker connector using the DataFaker expressions.. Valid only on OSS Flink or on-premises.

CREATE TABLE `bounded_pageviews` (
  `url` STRING,
  `user_id` STRING,
  `browser` STRING,
  `ts` TIMESTAMP(3)
  'connector' = 'faker',
  'number-of-rows' = '500',
  'rows-per-second' = '100',
  'fields.url.expression' = '/#{}.html',
  'fields.user_id.expression' = '#{numerify ''user_##''}',
  'fields.browser.expression' = '#{Options.option ''chrome'', ''firefox'', ''safari'')}',
  'fields.ts.expression' =  '#{date.past ''5'',''1'',''SECONDS''}'
This will only work in customized flink client with the jar from flink faker.

Generate data with dataGen for Flink OSS

Use DataGen to do in-memory data generation

How to generate test data to Confluent Cloud Flink?

Use Kafka Connector with DataGen. Those connector exists with a lot of different pre-defined model. Also it is possible to define custom Avro schema and then use predicates to generate data. There is a Produce sample data quick start tutorial from the Confluent Cloud home page. See also this readme.

How to transfer the source timestamp to another table

As $rowtime is the timestamp of the record in Kafka, it may be interesting to keep the source timestamp to the downstream topic.

create table `new_table` (
      `order_id` STRING NOT NULL,
      `event_time` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) METADATA FROM 'timestamp')

Then the move data will look like:

insert into `some_clicks`

    $rowtime as event_time
from  `src_table`
Dealing with late event

Any streams mapped to a table have records arriving more-or-less in order, according to the $rowtime, and the watermarks let the Flink SQL runtime know how much buffering of the incoming stream is needed to iron out any out-of-order-ness before emitting the sorted output stream.

We need to specify the watermark strategy as for example within 30 second of the event time:

create table new_table (
    `event_time` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) METADATA FROM 'timestamp',
 watermark for `event_time` as `event_time` - INTERVAL '30' SECOND
Create a table with topic as persistence

See the WITH options.

create table `small-orders` (
    `order_id` STRING NOT NULL,
    `customer_id` INT NOT NULL,
    `product_id` STRING NOT NULL,
    `price` DOUBLE NOT NULL
) distributed by hash(order_id) into 1 buckets
with (
    'kafka.retention.time' = '1 d'

insert into `small-orders` select * from `examples`.`marketplace`.`orders` where price < 20;
distributed by hash(order_id) and into 1 buckets specify that the table is backed by a Kafka topic with 1 partitions, and the order_id field will be used as the partition key.

See the product documentation with some specifities, like source and sink tables are mapped to Kafka Topics. The $rowtime TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) NOT NULL is provided as a system column. For each topic there is an inferred table created. The catalog is the Confluent environment and the Kafka cluster is the databsase. We can use the ALTER TABLE statement to evolve schemas for those inferred tables.

DML statements

Data modification language, is used to define statements which modify the data and don’t change metadata.

Common patterns

How to filter out records?

using the WHERE clause

select * from flight_events where status = 'cancelled';

Count the number of events related to a cancelled flight (need to use one of the selected field as grouping key):

select fight_id, count(*) as cancelled_fl from FlightEvents where status = 'cancelled' group by flight_id;

Recall that this results produces a dynamic table.

How to transform a field representing epoch to a timestamp?
 TO_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(click_ts_epoch)) as click_ts
How to mask a field?

Create a new table from the existing one, and then use REGEXP_REPLACE to mask an existing attribute

create table users_msk like users;
INSERT INTO users_msk SELECT ..., REGEXP_REPLACE(credit_card,'(\w)','*') as credit_card FROM users;
What are the different SQL execution modes?

Using previous table it is possible to count the elements in the table using:

select count(*) AS `count` from pageviews;

and we get different behavior depending of the execution mode:

set 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'batch';
# default one
set 'execution.runtime-mode' = 'streaming';

set 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'table';

In changelog mode, the SQL Client doesn't just update the count in place, but instead displays each message in the stream of updates it's receiving from the Flink SQL runtime.

set 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'changelog';

When and how to use custom watermark?

Developer should use their own watermark strategy when there are not a lot of records per topic/partition, there is a need for a large watermark delay, and need to use another timestamp.

Deduplication example
SELECT ip_address, url, TO_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(click_ts_raw)) as click_timestamp
    SELECT *,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY ip_address ORDER BY TO_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(click_ts_raw)) ) as rownum FROM clicks
WHERE rownum = 1;

See this example

Windowing / Table Value Functions

Windowing Table-Valued Functions groups the Tumble, Hop, Cumulate, and Session Windows. Windows split the stream into “buckets” of finite size, over which we can implement logic. The return value adds three additional columns named “window_start”, “window_end”, “window_time” to indicate the assigned window.

  • The TUMBLE function assigns each element to a window of specified window size. Tumbling windows have a fixed size and do not overlap.
Count the number of different product type per 10 minutes (TUMBLE window)

Aggregate a Stream in a Tumbling Window documentation.. The following query counts the number of different product types arriving from the event stream by interval of 10 minutes.

SELECT window_start, product_type, count(product_type) as num_ptype
            TABLE events,
            INTERVAL '10' MINUTES
    GROUP BY window_start, window_end, ;
DESCRIPTOR indicates which time attributes column should be mapped to tumbling windows (here the kafka record ingestion timestamp).

When the internal time has expired the results will be published. This puts an upper bound on how much state Flink needs to keep to handle a query, which in this case is related to the number of different product type.

Aggregation over a window

Windows over approach is to end with the current row, and stretches backwards through the history of the stream for a specific interval, either measured in time, or by some number of rows. For example counting the umber of flight_schedule events of the same key over the last 100 events:

    count(evt_type) OVER w as number_evt,
from flight_events
window w as( partition by flight_id order by $rowtime rows between 100 preceding and current row);

The results are updated for every input row. The partition is by flight_id. Order by $rowtime is necessary.

Find the number of elements in x minutes intervals advanced by 5 minutes? (HOP)

Confluent documentation on window integration.. For HOP wuindow, there is the slide parameter to control how frequently a hopping window is started:

        window_start, window_end,
        COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS num_orders
        HOP(TABLE shoe_orders, DESCRIPTOR(`$rowtime`), INTERVAL '5' MINUTES, INTERVAL '10' MINUTES))
    GROUP BY window_start, window_end;
How to compute the accumulate price over time in a day (CUMULATE)

Needs to use the cumulate window, which adds up records to the window until max size, but emits results at each window steps. The is image summarizes well the behavior:

SELECT window_start, window_end, SUM(price) as `sum`
        CUMULATE(TABLE `examples`.`marketplace`.`orders`, DESCRIPTOR($rowtime), INTERVAL '30' SECONDES, INTERVAL '3' MINUTES))
    GROUP BY window_start, window_end;

Row pattern recognition

Find the longest period of time for which the average price of a stock did not go below a value

Create a Datagen to publish StockTicker to a Kafka topic. See product documentation on CEP pattern with SQL

create table StockTicker(symbol string, price int tax int) with ('connector' = 'kafka',...)
SELECT * From StockTicker 
    partition by symbol 
    order by rowtime
        FIRST(A.rowtime) as start_tstamp,
        LAST(A.rowtime) as last_tstamp,
        AVG(A.price) as avgPrice
    PATTERN (A+ B)
        A as AVG(A.price) < 15

MATCH_RECOGNIZE helps to logically partition and order the data that is used with the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses, then defines patterns of rows to seek using the PATTERN clause. The logical components of the row pattern variables are specified in the DEFINE clause. B is defined implicitly as not being A.

Confluent Cloud Specific

See Flink Confluent Cloud queries documentation.

Each topic is automatically mapped to a table with some metadata fields added, like the watermark in the form of $rowtime field, which is mapped to the Kafka record timestamp. To see it, run describe extended table_name; With watermarking. arriving event records will be ingested roughly in order with respect to the $rowtime time attribute field.

Mapping from Kafka record timestamp and table $rowtime

The Kafka record timestamp is automatically mapped to the $rowtime attribute, which is a read only field. Using this field we can order the record by arrival time:

select 'flight_id', 'aircraft_id', 'status', $rowtime
from Aircrafts
order by $rowtime;
How to run Confluent Cloud for Flink?

See the note, but can be summarized as: 1/ create a stream processing compute pool in the same environment and region as the Kafka cluster, 2/ use Console or CLI (flink shell) to interact with topics.

confluent flink quickstart --name my-flink-sql --max-cfu 10 --region us-west-2 --cloud aws
Running Confluent Cloud Kafka with local Flink

The goal is to demonstrate how to get a cluster created in an existing Confluent Cloud environment and then send message via FlinkFaker using local table to Kafka topic:

The scripts and readme .

Supported connector for Flink SQL and Confluent Cloud

See the product documentation at this link.

create a long running SQL with cli

Get or create a service account.

confluent iam service-account create my-service-account --description "new description"
confluent iam service-account list
confluent iam service-account describe <id_of_the_sa>

confluent flink statement create my-statement --sql "SELECT * FROM my-topic;" --compute-pool <compute_pool_id> --service-account sa-123456 --database my-cluster
Assess the current flink statement running in Confluent Cloud

To assess which jobs are still running, which jobs failed, and which stopped, we can use the user interface, go to the Flink console > . Or the confluent CLI:

confluent environment list
confluent flink compute-pool list
confluent flink statement list --cloud aws --region us-west-2 --environment <your env-id> --compute-pool <your pool id>