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Kafka Security Overview


Created 04/13/2022 - Updated 09/2024

Review this video for a refresh on SSL and TLS certificates and keep in mind what the speaker quotes:

  • Any message encrypted with Bob's public key can only be decrypted with Bob's private key
  • Anyone with access to Alice's public key can verify that a message could only have been created by someone with access to Alice's private key.

For a deeper dive into security administration see this Confluent article and Kafka's product documentation.

We also strongly recommend reading Rick Osowski's Medium blogs Part 1 and Part 2 on Kafka security configuration.

Understand the Kafka cluster listeners

You can secure your Kafka resources by managing the access each user and application has to each resource.

A Kafka cluster may be configured to expose up to 2 internal and 1 external Kafka listeners. These listeners provide the mechanism for Kafka client applications to communicate with the Kafka brokers and these can be configured as secured listeners (which is the default for the tls and external Kafka listener).

Each listener providing a connection to Kafka brokers can also be configured to authenticate connections with either Mutual TLS or SCRAM SHA 512 authentication mechanisms. Additionally, the Kafka cluster can be configured to authorize operations sent via an authenticated listener using access control list defined at the user level.

The following figure presents a decision tree and the actions to consider for configuring cluster and applications.

In Kafka, the following yaml snippet from an Strimzi instance definition defines the following Kafka listeners"

  • One internal non secured kafka listener on port 9092 called plain
  • One internal secured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener on port 9093 called tls, which also enforces authentication throughout TLS,
  • One external secured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener on port 9094 called external, which also enforces authentication throughout SCRAM credentials, that is exposed through a route.
Cluster definition in Strimzi
  - name: plain
    port: 9092
    type: internal
    tls: false
  - name: tls  # 
    port: 9093
    type: internal  # 
    tls: true
        type: tls
  - name: external
    type: route
    port: 9094
    tls: true 
      type: scram-sha-512

Connect Kafka API

The most important and essential property to connect to Kafka brokers, is the bootstrap.servers property. This property tells Kafka clients what URL to use to talk to Kafka cluster. Based on that Kafka listener, developers may need to provide the application with extra configuration.

At the very minimum, they will need to set the security.protocol property that will tell whether the application isconnecting to a secured Kafka listener or not. As a result, the values for security.protocol are:

  • PLAINTEXT - using PLAINTEXT transport layer & no authentication - default value.
  • SSL - using SSL transport layer & certificate-based authentication or no authentication.
  • SASL_PLAINTEXT - using PLAINTEXT transport layer & SASL-based authentication.
  • SASL_SSL - using SSL transport layer & SASL-based authentication.

Based on the above, the security protocol developers will use to connect to the different Kafka listeners that Kafka deploys are:

  • PLAINTEXT when connecting to the non secured internal plain Kafka listener on port 9092
  • SSL when connecting to the secured (TLS encrypted) internal tls Kafka listener on port 9093 that also enforces authentication through TLS certificates
  • SASL_SSL when connecting to the secured (TLS encrypted) external external Kafka listener on port 9094 that also enforces authentication through SCRAM credentials.

Non-secured listener

You would only need to specify that there is no security in place for your application to connect to a non-secured kafka listener:

Configuration properties

Do not set sasl.mechanisms when security.protocol=PLAINTEXT

Secured listener

In order for the application to be able to connect to Kafka through the internal secured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener, you need to set the appropriate value for security.protocol, as seen above, plus provide the Certificate Authority of the Kafka cluster (its public key).

Depending on the technology of the application, you will need to provide the Certificate Authority of the Kafka cluster for the TLS encryption either as a PKCS12 certificate for a Java client or as a PEM certificate for anything else. PKCS12 certificates (or truststores) come in the form of a .p12 file and are secured with a password. You can inspect a PKCS12 certificate with:

openssl pkcs12 -info -nodes -in truststore.p12

and providing the truststore password.

An example of the output would be:

MAC Iteration 100000
MAC verified OK
PKCS7 Encrypted data: Certificate bag
Bag Attributes
    friendlyName: ca.crt
    2.16.840.1.113894.746875.1.1: <Unsupported tag 6>
subject=/O=io.strimzi/CN=cluster-ca v0
issuer=/O=io.strimzi/CN=cluster-ca v0


On the other hand, PEM certificates come in the form of a .pem file and are not password protected.

You can inspect them using the cat command.

The output should be the same certificate as the one provided within the PKCS12 certificate:

cat es-cert.pem 

Once you have the Certificate Authority of your Kafka cluster, you will provide its location and password in your properties file through the ssl.truststore.location and ssl.truststore.password properties.

Secured configuration
security.protocol=SSL or SASL_SSL


where security.protocol will vary between SSL or SASL_SSL based on the authentication as you will see in the next section.


You have seen above that your Kafka listeners can require authentication to any application or client wanting to connect to the Kafka cluster through them. It was also said that authentication could be either of type SASL-based, through SCRAM (modern Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism) credentials, or certificate-based (TLS). Either way, Kafka will handle authentication through KafkaUser objects.

These objects that represent Kafka users of your Kafka instance will have their authentication (and authorization through ACLs) credentials or TLS certificates associated to them stored in a secret. In order to find out how to create these KafkaUsers, which will vary depending on the authentication method.


If you have created a KafkaUser to be used with a Kafka listener that requires SCRAM authentication, you will be able to retrieve its SCRAM credentials either from the Kafka UI at creation time or later on from the secret these are stored to:

oc extract secret/<KAFKA_USER> -n <NAMESPACE> --keys=sasl.jaas.config --to=-


  • <KAFKA_USER> is the name of the KafkaUser object you created.
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace where Kafka is deployed on.


oc extract secret/test-app -n tools --keys=sasl.jaas.config --to=-
# sasl.jaas.config required username="test-app" password="VgWpkjAkvxH0";

You can see above your SCRAM username and password.


If you have created a KafkaUser to be used with a Kafka listener that requires TLS authentication, you will be able to retrieve its TLS certificates either from the Kafka UI at creation time in a zip folder or later on from the secret these are stored to.

First, describe the secret to see what certificates are stored in it:

$ oc describe secret test-app-tls -n tools
Name:         test-app-tls
Namespace:    tools
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

user.key:       1704 bytes
user.p12:       2384 bytes
user.password:  12 bytes
ca.crt:         1180 bytes
user.crt:       1025 bytes

You can see that the secret will store the following:

  • user.key and user.crt - the client certificate key-pair.
  • user.p12 - trustore that contains the user.key and user.crt.
  • user.password - contains the user.p12 truststore password.
  • ca.crt - CA used to sign the client certificate key-pair.

Then, you can extract the appropriate certificate based on whether your application or Kafka client is Java based or not. In the case of a Java based application or Kafka client, extract the user.p12 and user.password:

oc extract secret/<KAFKA_USER> -n <NAMESPACE> --keys=user.p12
oc extract secret/<KAFKA_USER> -n <NAMESPACE> --keys=user.password


  • <KAFKA_USER> is the name of the KafkaUser object you created.
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace where Kafka is deployed on.

Properties config

Now that you know how to get the authentication credentials or certificates for a proper authentication of your application or Kafka client you need to configure the appropriate properties for that:

  • If your Kafka listener authentication method is SCRAM:
Scram authentication with SSL encryption

sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512 required username\="<USERNAME>" password\="<PASSWORD>";
  • If your Kafka listener authentication method is TLS:
TLS authentication and SSL encryption



Let's have a full look at how the Kafka communication properties, for a Java application or client, would look like for Kafka on RedHat OpenShift with the defaults.

This translates to Strimzi (the open source project Kafka is based on) in:

  - name: tls
    port: 9093
    type: internal
    tls: true
        type: tls
  - name: external
    type: route
    port: 9094
    tls: true 
      type: scram-sha-512

Let's also add the plain non-secure Kafka listener to the picture so that all cases are covered in this recap section.

  plain: {}
    type: route
      type: scram-sha-512
      type: tls

As a result, the Kafka instance deployed will count with:

  • One internal non secured kafka listener on port 9092 called plain
  • One internal secured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener on port 9093 called tls, which also enforces authentication throughout TLS, and
  • One external secured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener on port 9094 called external, which also enforces authentication throughout SCRAM credentials, that is exposed through a route.


The Kafka properties configuration to get your application or Kafka client to properly connect and communicate through the non secured kafka listener on port 9092 called plain will be as follows:

# Internal plain listener
# =======================


  • <ES_NAME> is the name of the Kafka instance deployed you are trying to connect to.
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace the Kafka instance you are trying to connect to is deployed in.

Internal tls

The Kafka properties configuration to get your application or Kafka client to properly connect and communicate through the internal s ecured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener on port 9093 called tls, which also enforces authentication throughout mTLS will be as follows:

# Internal tls listener
# =====================


## mTLS Authentication for the client.

## Certificate Authority of your Kafka cluster


  • <ES_NAME> is the name of the Kafka instance deployed you are trying to connect to.
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace the Kafka instance you are trying to connect to is deployed in.
  • <user.p12-location> is the location of the user.p12 truststore containing the user.key and user.crt client certificate key-pair for the application or client mTLS authentication as explained above.
  • <user.p12-password> is the password of the <user.p12> truststore.
  • <truststore.p12-location> is the location of the Certificate Authority of your Kafka cluster to establish mTLS encryted communication between your Kafka instance and your application or Kafka client.
  • <trustore.p12-password> is the password for the truststore.p12 truststore.

When the application is deployed on OpenShift, certificates will be mounted to the application pod. Below is an example of a Quarkus app deployment descriptor, with environment variables:

  value: /deployments/certs/server/ca.p12
  value: PKCS12
  value: /deployments/certs/user/user.p12
  value: PKCS12
  value: SSL
- name: KAFKA_USER
  value: tls-user
      key: ca.password
      name: kafka-cluster-ca-cert
      key: user.password
      name: tls-user
# ...
        - mountPath: /deployments/certs/server
          name: kafka-cert
          readOnly: false
          subPath: ""
        - mountPath: /deployments/certs/user
          name: user-cert
          readOnly: false
          subPath: ""
      - name: kafka-cert
          optional: true
          secretName: kafka-cluster-ca-cert
      - name: user-cert
          optional: true
          secretName: tls-user

External tls

The Kafka properties configuration to get your application or Kafka client to properly connect and communicate through the external secured (TLS encrypted) Kafka listener on port 9094 called external, which also enforces authentication throughout SCRAM credentials, and that is exposed through a route will be as follows:

# External listener SCRAM
# =======================


## Certificate Authority of your Kafka cluster

## Scram credentials
sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512 required username\="<SCRAM_USERNAME>" password\="<SCRAM_PASSWORD>";


  • <ES_NAME> is the name of the Kafka instance deployed you are trying to connect to.
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace the Kafka instance you are trying to connect to is deployed in.
  • <OPENSHIFT_APPS_DNS> is your RedHat OpenShift DNS domain for application routes.
  • <truststore.p12-location> is the location of the Certificate Authority of your Kafka cluster to establish mTLS encryted communication between your Kafka instance and your application or Kafka client.
  • <trustore.p12-password> is the password for the truststore.p12 truststore.
  • <SCRAM_USERNAME> and <SCRAM_PASSWORD> are your SCRAM credentials.


Remember that if the application does not run in the same namespace as the kafka cluster then you need to copy the secrets so that the application developers can access the required credentials and certificates from their own namespaces with something like

if [[ -z $(oc get secret ${TLS_USER} 2> /dev/null) ]]
   # As the project is personal to the user, we can keep a generic name for the secret
   oc get secret ${TLS_USER} -n ${KAFKA_NS} -o json | jq -r '"tls-user"' | jq -r '.metadata.namespace="'${YOUR_PROJECT_NAME}'"' | oc apply -f -

if [[ -z $(oc get secret ${SCRAM_USER} 2> /dev/null) ]]
    # As the project is personal to the user, we can keep a generic name for the secret
    oc get secret ${SCRAM_USER} -n ${KAFKA_NS} -o json |  jq -r '"scram-user"' | jq -r '.metadata.namespace="'${YOUR_PROJECT_NAME}'"' | oc apply -f -

Kafka Connect

For Kafka connector, you need to define authentication used to connect to the Kafka Cluster:

    type: tls
      secretName: tls-user
      certificate: user.crt
      key: user.key
  • Get TLS public cluster certificate:
      - secretName: dev-cluster-ca-cert
        certificate: ca.crt

Working with certificates

To extract a PEM-based certificate from a JKS-based truststore, you can use the following command:

keytool -exportcert -keypass {truststore-password} -keystore {provided-kafka-truststore.jks} -rfc -file {desired-kafka-cert-output.pem}

To build a PKCS12 from a pem do

openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -out cert.p12
# if you want jks
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore cert.jks