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IBM MQ in the context of EDA

IBM MQ is the enterprise solution to exchange message over queues. As it supports loosely coupling communication between applications, via asynchronous protocol, and message exchange, it has to be part of any modern digital, responsive solutions, and so it makes sense to consider it in the context of EDA.

This blog is a summary, for architects, about the technology and as it fits into EDA with pointers to other documentations, articles, and code repositories.

We already addressed the difference between eventing and messaging systems, and we can affirm that real production plaform needs to include both.

This site includes a lot of content around Kafka as the backbone to support EDA, but EDA is not just Kafka. I will prefer to mention that EDA is about modern asynchronous microservice based solution, that needs to exchange messages. Messages can be sent to Queues or Topics or both. IBM MQ delivers different features than Kafka and, as an architect, it is important to assess the fit for purpose.

Key concepts

IBM MQ queue managers are the main component to define queues and where applications connect to. They can be organized in network to deliver messages between applications and locations. Queue Managers can be organized in cluster to increase high availability and scaling.


We encourage to read the article from Richard Coppen's: 'IBM MQ fundamentals'. Here are the main concepts:

  • Queues are addressable locations to deliver messages to and store them reliably until they need to be consumed. We can have many queues and topics on one queue manager.
  • Queue managers are the MQ servers that host the queues. They can be interconnected via MQ network.
  • Channels are the way queue managers communicate with each other and with the applications.
  • MQ networks are loose collections of interconnected queue managers, all working together to deliver messages between applications and locations.
  • MQ clusters are tight couplings of queue managers, enabling higher levels of scaling and availability
  • Point to point for a single consumer. Senders produce messages to a queue, and receivers asynchronously consume messages from that queue. With multiple receivers, each message is only consumed by one receiver, distributing the workload across them all.
  • Publish/subscribe is supported via topic and subscription, and MQ sends copies of the message to those subscribing applications
  • MQI is the message queue interface to control MQ objects. It supports commands like create queue, start, stop QM, alter objects' attributes, create channels...
  • MQSC commands are commands to intereact with MQ objects. Adminstrator can use those commands with runmqsc, and they can be in a script to configure the broker at start up time.
Custom configuration with a MQ docker image

Create a config.mqsc file with all the MQSC commands, and then get the Dockerfile copy the file to /etc/mqm folder. See an example here..

Major MQ benefits in EDA

  • MQ provides assured delivery of data: No data loss and no duplication, strong support of exactly once.
  • MQ is horizontally scalable: As the workload for a single queue manager increases, it is easy to add more queue managers to share tasks and to distribute the messages across them.
  • Highly available (See section below) with scalable architecture with different topologies.
  • Integrate well with Mainframe to propagate transaction to the eventual consistent world of cloud native distributed applications. Writing to database and MQ queue is part of the same transaction, which simplifies the injection into event backbone like Kafka, via Kafka MQ connector.
  • Containerized to run on modern kubernetes platform or other container orchestrator.

Decentralized architecture

The figure below illustrates the different ways to organize the MQ brokers according to the applications' needs.

  • On the top row, applications have decoupled queue managers, with independent availability / scalability reuquirements. The ownership is decentralized, as each application also owns the broker configurations and deployments. Such cloud native applications may adopt the Command Query Responsability Seggregation pattern and use queues to propagage information between the microservices. The deployment of both brokers and microservices follows the same CI/CD pipeline, with a kustomize for Kubernetes, for example, to describe the broker configuration.
  • A central MQ broker can still be part of the architecture to support legacy applications integrations and federated queues.
  • MQ Brokers are connected together to build a mesh.

This type of deployment supports heterogenous operational procedures across technologies.

High availability

Important to always revisit the requirements, in term of availability measurement for any application modernization projects.

For a messaging system, it is important to consider three characteristics:

  • Redundancy so applications can reconnect in case of broker failure. Applications locally bound to a queue manager will limit availability. Recommended to use remote MQ client connection, and considering automatic client reconnection.
  • Message routing: always delivers messages even with failures.
  • Message availability: not loosing messages and always readable.

With IBM MQ on multiplatforms, a message is stored on exactly one queue manager. To achieve high message availability, we need to be able to recover a queue manager as quickly as possible. We can achieve service availability by having multiple instances of queue manager for client applications to use, for example by using an IBM MQ uniform cluster.

A set of MQ topologies can be defined to support HA:


  1. Single resilient queue manager: MQ broker runs in a VM or a single container, and if it stops, the VM or pod scheduler will restart it. This is using the platform resynch capability combined with HA storage. IP Address is kept between the instances. The queue content is saved to a storage supporting HA. In the case of container, new restarted pod will connect to existing storage, and the IP gateway routes traffic to the active instance via service and app selector.
  2. Multi-instance queue manager: active - standby topology - Failover is triggered on failure of the active instance. IP Address is also kept. When using k8s, the stand-by broker is on a separate node, ready to be activated. The pods use persistence volumes with ReadWriteMany settings.
  3. Replicated data queue manager: this is an extension of the previous pattern where data saved locally is replicated to other sites.

The deployed MQ broker is defined in k8s as a StatefulSet which may not restart automatically in case of node failure. So there is a time to fail over. A service will provide consistent network identity to the MQ broker.

On Kubernetes, MQ relies on the availability of the data on the persistent volumes. The availability of the storage providing the persistent volumes, defines IBM MQ availability.

For multi-instance deployment, the shared file system must support write through to disk on flush operation, to keep transaction integrity (ensure writes have been safely committed before acknowledging the transaction), must support exclusive access to files so the queue managers write access is synchronized. Also it needs to support releasing locks in case of failure.

See product documentation for testing message integrity on file systems.

Active-active with uniform cluster

With Uniform Cluster and Client Channel Definition Tables, it will be possible to achieve high availability with at least three brokers and multiple application instances accessing brokers group via the CCDT. The queue managers are configured almost identically, and application interacts with the group.

You can have as many application instances as there are queue managers in the cluster.

Here are the main benefits of Uniform Cluster:

  • A directory of all clustering resources, discoverable by any member in a cluster
  • Automatic channel creation and connectivity
  • Horizontal scaling across multiple matching queues, using message workload balancing
  • Dynamic message routing, based on availability

The brokers are communicating their states between each others, and connection rebalancing can be done behind the scene without application knowledge. In case of a Queue manager failure, the connections are rebalanced to the active ones. Those applications do not need strong ordering.

With the same approach, we can add new Queue manager See this video from David Ware abour active - active with Uniform cluster to see how this rebalancing works between queue managers as part of a Uniform queue manager.

See the 'MQ Uniform Cluster' related repository.

Native HA

Native HA queue managers involves an active and two replica brokers, each with their own set of Kubernetes Persistent Volumes.

Native HA provides built in replication of messages and state across multiple sets of storage, removing the dependency of replication and locking from the file system.

Each replica writes to its own recovery log, acknowledges the data, and then updates its own queue data from the replicated recovery log.

When deployed on Kubernetes, a Service is used to route TCP/IP client connections to the current active instance.

Set the availability in the queueManager configuration in the CRD:

      type: NativeHA


Installation on AWS EC2

Installation on Kubernetes

Starting with release 2020.2, MQ can be installed via Kubernetes Operator on Openshift platform. From the operator catalog search for MQ. See the product documentation installation guide for up to date details.

You can verify your installation with the following CLI, and get the IBM catalogs accessible:

oc project openshift-marketplace
oc get CatalogSource
NAME                   DISPLAY                TYPE      PUBLISHER     AGE
certified-operators    Certified Operators    grpc      Red Hat       42d
community-operators    Community Operators    grpc      Red Hat       42d
ibm-operator-catalog   ibm-operator-catalog   grpc      IBM Content   39d
opencloud-operators    IBMCS Operators        grpc      IBM           39d
redhat-marketplace     Red Hat Marketplace    grpc      Red Hat       42d
redhat-operators       Red Hat Operators      grpc      Red Hat       42d

Once everything is set up, create an operator. The IBM MQ operator can be installed scoped to a single namespace or to monitor All namespaces.

Verify your environment fits the deployment. Prepare your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for MQ Then once the operator is installed (it could take up to a minute), go to the operator page and create a MQ Manager instance. For example be sure to have defined an ibm-entitlement-key in the project you are planning to use to deploy MQ manager.

Then update the Yaml file for name, license and persistence.

As an alternate, define a QueueManager manifest yaml file as:

```yaml apiVersion: kind: QueueManager metadata: name: eda-mq-lab spec: version: license: accept: true license: use: NonProduction web: enabled: true queueManager: name: "EDAQMGR1" storage: queueManager: type: ephemeral template: pod: containers: - name: qmgr env: - name: MQSNOAUT value: "yes"

Then create the QueueManager resource with `oc or kubectl cli`: 

oc apply -f mq-manager.yaml 
oc get queuemanager
# Get the UI route 
oc describe queuemanager eda-mq-lab

You should get the console from this URL:


To access to the mqsc CLI and run configuration remote connect via oc exec -it <podname> bash.

We need route to access MQ from outside of OpenShift. The connection uses TLS1.2.

you can customize the environment using config map:

    name: QM1
      - configMap:
          name: mq-mqsc-config
            -  example.mqsc
# ...
        - name: qmgr
            - name: MQSNOAUT
              value: 'yes' 
          - configMapRef:
              name: mq-config


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mq-config
  LICENSE: accept
  MQ_APP_PASSWORD: passw0rd

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mq-mqsc-config
  example.mqsc: |

Running MQ in docker

The following recent article from Richard J. Coppen presents such deployment, and can be summarized as:

# Use Docker to create a volume:
docker volume create qm1data
# Start queue manager: QM1
docker run --env LICENSE=accept --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --volume qm1data:/mnt/mqm --name mq --rm --publish 1414:1414 --publish 9443:9443 --detach --env MQ_APP_PASSWORD=passw0rd ibmcom/mq:latest
# The queue manager’s listener listens on port 1414 for incoming connections and port 9443 is used by MQ console

One queue is created DEV.QUEUE.1 and a channel: DEV.APP.SRVCONN.

Then docker exec on the docker container and use the mqsc CLI.

The ibm-messaging/mq-container github repository describes properties and different configurations.

You can also run it via docker compose. We have different flavor in the real time inventory gitops repository under local-demo folder. Here is an example of such compose file:

version: '3.7'
    image: ibmcom/mq
        - '1414:1414'
        - '9443:9443'
        - '9157:9157'
        - qm1data:/mnt/mqm
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    restart: always
        LICENSE: accept
        MQ_QMGR_NAME: QM1
        MQ_APP_PASSWORD: passw0rd
        MQ_ENABLE_METRICS: "true"

Getting access to the MQ Console

The MQ Console is a web browser based interface for interacting with MQ objects. It comes pre-configured inside the developer version of MQ in a container. On localhost deployment the URL is https://localhost:9443/ibmmq/console/ (user admin) while on OpenShift it depends of the Route created.

See this article for a very good overview for using the console.

From the console we can define access and configuration:

  • A new channel called MQ.QUICKSTART.SVRCONN. This new channel will be configured with NO MCA user. An MCA user is the identity that is used for all communication on that channel. As we are setting no MCA user this means that the identity used to connect to the queue manager will be used for MQ authorization.
  • A channel authority record set to block no-one. We will do this so that any authority records you add in the following security step will be automatically configured to allow access the queue manager and resources below.

When an application connects to a queue manager it will present an identity. That identity needs two permissions; one to connect to the queue manager and one to put/get messages from the queue.

Some useful CLI

Those commands can be run inside the docker container: oc exec -ti mq1-cp4i-ibm-mq-0 -n cp4i-mq1 bash

# Display MQ version
# Display your running queue managers 

To access to log errors

oc rsh <to-mq-broker-pod>
# use you QM manager name instead of BIGGSQMGR
cd /var/mqm/qmgrs/BIGGSQMGR/errors

Connecting your application

JMS should be your first choice to integrate a Java application to MQ. The mq-dev-patterns includes JMS code samples for inspiration. See also this IBM developer tutorial and our code example from the store simulator used in different MQ to Kafka labs.

The article seems to have issue in links and syntax, below is the updated steps:

# get the file
mkdir -p com/ibm/mq/samples/jms && cd com/ibm/mq/samples/jms
curl -o
cd ../../../../..
# Modify the connection setting in the code
# Compile
javac -cp com/ibm/mq/samples/jms/
# Run it
java -cp

To connect to MQ server, you need to get the hostname for the Queue manager, the port number, the channel and the queue name to access.

For Quarkus and Maven use the following dependencies:


For automatic client reconnection, use the JMS connection factory configuration.

Client Channel Definition Tables

CCDT provides encapsulation and abstraction of connection information for applications, hiding the MQ architecture and configuration from the application. CCDT defines which real queue managers the application will connect to. Which could be a single queue manager or a group of queue managers.

  "channel": [
      "name": "STORE.CHANNEL",
      "clientConnection": {
        "connection": [
            "host": "",
            "port": "443"
        "queueManager": "BIGGSQMGR"
      "type": "clientConnection"
Important readings

Code repositories