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Open source document oriented database designed to scale. It stores parsed json doc or bson. For production deployments mongodb uses distributed servers with replication and automatic master failover

It supports:

  • complex queries express as json document
  • evantual consistency
  • malleable schema: can easily change at runtime
  • both large and small scale
  • Automatic sharding (partition data sets over multiple machines) distributes collection data across machines.

Some key concepts - A database holds a set of collections.  - A collection holds a set of documents.  - A document is a set of key-value pairs.  - Documents have dynamic schema. - mongo is the interactive shell to access the DB - application uses driver to access the DB

Database for MongoDB Product documentation on IBM cloud See this quarkus tutorial for orm mongo with panache

Docker compose

    container_name: mongo
    image: mongo
    restart: always
      - ./data:/data/db
      - 27017:27017

Mongo CLI

mongo --username root --password example
MongoDB shell version v4.4.5

> show dbs
 local   0.078125GB
 > use mydb
 switched to db mydb
 > db
 > db.createCollection('items')
 >  show collections

A collection is a group of related documents that have a set of shared common indexes. Collections are analogous to a table in relational databases. You do not need to create a collection before inserting data. When you insert the first document using the command like db.testdata.insert(ajson)  the mongod will create both the database instance and the collection

All MongoDB documents must have an _id field with has a unique value and is considered as primary key. The find method is used to get the content of a collection. The results are grouped by 20, and the command it gives the next page for the result set. 

Connect to database for mongo

ibmcloud cdb deployment-cacert gse-eda-mongo