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Data Build Tool or Dbt

Dbt is part of the Transformation in ELT or ETL, to transform data in data warehouse or lake house.

Value propositions

  • It is an open-source and also offered as a cloud managed service.
  • Use SQL
  • Supported by the big players of lake house like Snowflake, Databricks
  • Built in features like version control, automated testing, document generation, and data lineage visualization
  • Integrated platform for developers and data engineers

Import concepts

dbt uses a template mechanism, functions and a set of features to organize SQL and cross reference them.

  • Two standard constructs that can be created by dbt: Views and Tables. The table lists when to use them:
View Table
Purpose Use for minor transformation For intensive transformation
Execution At runtime and when referenced Pre-executed, with the results saved in tables
Storage None Need Storage space for materialized tables
Performance Lot of steps leads to slower performance Chained processes get improved perf.

Always need to assess the balance between storage and performance.


  • Need Python, and dbt should be installed in a virtual environment. See installation instructions

  • Create a $HOME/.dbt folder to let dbt persist the dbt-profile.yaml file to keep user and DB credentials. Also create a dbt project

  • dbt init under the project folder. This command creates some folders to organize work inside the project.

Folder Description
models includes the models to execute with dbt

Using dbt with postgresql

  • Install Kubernetes Postgresql operator, then a postgres cluster and PGadmin webapp. See the minikube/posgresql folder
  • Do port forwarding for both Postgresql server and pgadmin webapp

    kubectl port-forward service/pg-cluster 5432:5432
    kubectl port-forward service/pgadmin-service 8080:80 
  • get user, database name , password and URI from the postgresql secrets (see Makefile)

  • Create customers and orders tables, insert some records
  • Define the connection to the database in the .dbt/profiles.yaml
  • Validate with the connection dbt debug
  • Write some sql scripts in the models folder, then use dbt run and it will create new views in the default schema and one table. Example of join

  • The results can be also seen by querying the newly created views or tables.

    select * from "default".customerorders;
