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Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances that can run in Docker.

The product quickstart documentation explains the basic practices. Below are some practices for the components I am often using.

Test container with Kafka

The Kafka test container uses Confluent image.

The following code includes a StrimziKafka test container maas kafka backend. The approach is to use a BasicIT test class that uses the Strimzi container. As the exposed port is mapped to a port dynamically allocated by docker, we can get the bootstrap address and expose it via system variable:

public abstract class BasicIT {

    public static StrimziContainer kafkaContainerForTest = new StrimziContainer()

    public static void startAll() {
        System.setProperty("KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS", kafkaContainer.getBootstrapServers());

    public static void stopAll() {


Then each test extends this class and can access the bootstrap URL

 clusterInfo.adminURL = kafkaContainerForTest.getBootstrapServers();

Or in the case of quarkus test, we need to specify in the what to get while using the test profile


Which means a test at the API level will work fine (extracted from the store simulator project):

    public void shouldStartSendingOneMessageToKafka(){