Real-time analytics with Kinesis Data Analytics¶
The goal of this component is to compute stateful analytics, do data transformation, from the data coming in streams. The current implementation illustrates remote async calls to SageMaker (via API Gateway) and persistence to S3.
Figure 1: Streaming components
Kinesis Data Streams¶
There is nothing special in this demonstration, the creation of the different data streams is done using CDK.
: for job related eventscompanies
: for event related to tenant entities eventsenrichedcompanies
to shared events with enriched data to be consumed by other services.
See the python file kinesis-cdk/ for the CDK definitions of those streams and to deploy them, do a cdk deploy
under the folder: setup/kinesis-cdk. The persistence is set to 24 hours.
Kinesis Data Analytics¶
Why Kinesis Data Analytics¶
This is a managed service, serverless, to run real-time streaming logic implemented using SQL, java, Scala. The core technology used is Apache Flink. The service is integrated with Kinesis Data Streams, and with a lot of AWS services to serve as sources or sinks. Kinesis Data Analytics provides the underlying infrastructure for Flink applications. It handles core capabilities like provisioning compute resources, parallel computation, automatic scaling, and application backups implemented as checkpoints and snapshots.
Code base¶
The code is under rt-analytics/bg-job-processing folder.
The main input stream includes the job events, and are published to Kinesis Data Streams names bigdatajobs
. Once received we need to enrich with the company data, which lead to an asynchronous call to TenantManager service. The Company response includes: company_id, industry, revenu, employees, job30, job90, monthlyFee, totalFee in a form of JSON document.
Once Company data is collected, the call to the ML scoring model is also done asynchronously, the churn flag may be update.
The final step is to write to S3 bucket.
The following parameters need to be specified
Parameter | Description | Default |
aws.region | Region where all the services run | us-west-2 | | Position in the streams to start consuming from | LATEST | | Job events stream name | bigdatajobs |
S3SinkPath | Bucket to write enriched company events | |
predictChurnApiEndpoint | URL of the API in API gateway | |
predictChurnApiKey | None for API Gateway |
Those parameters are defined in the Application Creation request. See create-request.json file
EnvironmentProperties in request.json
json "EnvironmentProperties": { "PropertyGroups": [ { "PropertyGroupId": "ProducerConfigProperties", "PropertyMap": { "": "LATEST", "aws.region": "us-west-2", "AggregationEnabled": "false" } }, { "PropertyGroupId": "ApplicationConfigProperties", "PropertyMap": { "predictChurnApiEndpoint": "", "predictChurnApiKey" : " ", "S3SinkPath": "s3://jb-data-set/churn/data" } }, { "PropertyGroupId": "ConsumerConfigProperties", "PropertyMap": { "aws.region": "us-west-2", "": "LATEST", "": "bigdatajobs", "": "LATEST", "": "companies" } } ] },
Code approach¶
The Flink data source is a KinesisConsumer and the declaration looks mostly always the same:
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.FlinkKinesisConsumer;
// in the main()
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
env.addSource(new FlinkKinesisConsumer<>(inputStreamName,
new SimpleStringSchema(),
Then we want to map the job information and extract the company_ID and map to a Company entity:
DataStream<Company> companyStream = -> {String[] words = jobEvent.split(",");
Company c = getCompanyRecord(words[0]);
return c;
The asynchronous call to the API Gateway and then sageMaker is done using Flink construct and custom class for HttpRequest:
DataStream<HttpRequest<Company>> predictChurnRequest = -> {
return new HttpRequest<Company>(company,SdkHttpMethod.POST).withBody(mapper.writeValueAsString(company));
.returns(new TypeHint<HttpRequest<Company>>() {});;
DataStream<HttpResponse<Company>> predictChurnResponse =
// Asynchronously call Endpoint
new Sig4SignedHttpRequestAsyncFunction<>(predictChurnEndpoint),
30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 20
.returns(new TypeHint<HttpResponse<Company>>() {});
DataStream<Company> enrichedCompany = predictChurnResponse
// Only keep successful responses for enrichment, which have a 200 status code
.filter(response -> response.statusCode == 200)
// Enrich Company with response from predictChurn
.map(response -> {
boolean expectedChurn = mapper.readValue(response.responseBody, ObjectNode.class).get("churn").asBoolean();
return response.triggeringEvent.withExpectedChurn(expectedChurn);
Here is an example of the job definition as deployed on AWS Data Analytics:
Deeper dive¶
- Real Time ML inference on Streaming Data
- Streaming Data Solution for Amazon Kinesis Git repo
- S3 sink with Flink
Create IAM role to support application execution
We need to create a role and permission policy so the application can access source and sink resources and assume the role for
service:aws iam create-role --role-name CompanyAnalyticsRole --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-relationship.json
We need to define permissions policy with two statements: one that grants permissions for the read action on the source streams, and another that grants permissions for write actions on the sink stream which will be S3 bucker and Data Streams:
IAM policy
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ReadCodeFromS3", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectVersion" ], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::jb-data-set/churn/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar"] }, { "Sid": "CompanySinkS3", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "logs:DescribeLogStreams" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::jb-data-set/churn/*", "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:log-group:/aws/kinesis-analytics/CompanyJobProcessing:log-stream:*" ] }, { "Sid": "DescribeLogGroups", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:DescribeLogGroups" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:log-group:*" ] }, { "Sid": "DescribeLogStreams", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:DescribeLogStreams" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:log-group:/aws/kinesis-analytics/CompanyJobProcessing:log-stream:*" ] }, { "Sid": "PutCloudwatchLogs", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:log-group:/aws/kinesis-analytics/CompanyJobProcessing:log-stream:kinesis-analytics-log-stream" ] }, { "Sid": "ReadInputStream", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "kinesis:*", "Resource": ["arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:stream/companies", "arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:stream/bigdatajobs" ] }, { "Sid": "WriteOutputStream", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "kinesis:*", "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:ACCOUNT_NUMBER:stream/enrichedcompanies" } ] }
Attach the policy to an IAM role
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name CompanyAnalyticsRole --policy-name KinesisPolicy --policy-document file://security-policy.json
Build the java packaging and upload it to S3
# build the uber jar mvn package -Dflink.version=1.15.2 # upload to S3 aws s3 cp $(pwd)/target/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar s3://jb-data-set/churn/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar
Create the Data Analytics application
sh aws kinesisanalyticsv2 create-application --cli-input-json file://create_request.json
Start the Kinesis Analytics apps
aws kinesisanalyticsv2 start-application --cli-input-json file://start_application.json
Send some data as job manager will do (use Start Python Env docker container):
python src/main/python/
To update code, we need to delete previous code, upload new version to S3, and update application:
aws s3 rm s3://jb-data-set/churn/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar aws s3 cp $(pwd)/target/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar s3://jb-data-set/churn/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar # Get application ID aws kinesisanalyticsv2 describe-application --application-name CompanyJobProcessing # result looks like { "ApplicationDetail": { "ApplicationARN": "arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:us-west-2:4....6:application/CompanyJobProcessing", "ApplicationDescription": "Java Flink app to merge company and big data job events", "ApplicationName": "CompanyJobProcessing", "RuntimeEnvironment": "FLINK-1_15", "ServiceExecutionRole": "arn:aws:iam::....:role/CompanyAnalyticsRole", "ApplicationStatus": "RUNNING", "ApplicationVersionId": 3, } # Modify the updateApplication.json file with the application ID aws kinesisanalyticsv2 update-application --application-name CompanyJobProcessing --cli-input-json file://updateApplication.json
Manual deployment with the Console¶
Using the Kinesis console we can add an Analytics Application:
Select the Flink runtime version:
Select the IAM role or create a new one.
For demonstration we can use the Development deployment with 1
Add configuration detail to get packaged code: ``
Specifying the logging level
Once deployed, start the job with the
Run without snapshot
Clean up¶
aws kinesisanalyticsv2 stop-application --application-name CompanyJobProcessing --force
aws kinesisanalyticsv2 describe-application --application-name CompanyJobProcessing | jq
aws kinesisanalyticsv2 delete-application --application-name CompanyJobProcessing --create-timestamp 2022-12-23T17:02:09-08:00
aws s3 rm s3://jb-data-set/churn/bg-job-processing-1.0.0.jar
Logging in CloudWatch¶
As logging as enabled in the configuration, we can see the details of the job execution in the Log groups named /aws/kinesis-analytics/CompanyJobProcessing
to rework¶
Joins between company and job streams on the company ID and add the number of jobs run (from job event) to the company current jobs count.
- Job is: company_id, userid , #job_submitted
- Out come is : company_id, industry, revenu, employees, job30 + #job_submitted, job90 + #job_submitted, monthlyFee, totalFee
Current error¶
2023-01-04 21:43:34
com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Unable to find class:$$Lambda$1273/0x0000000800edc840
Serialization trace:
mapConstructor ($ForBuilder)
headers ($Builder)
builder (jbcodeforce.bgdatajob.operators.Sig4SignedHttpRequestAsyncFunction$HttpRequest)
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.DefaultClassResolver.readName(
at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.DefaultClassResolver.readClass(