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A set of simple studies and solutions

Predict whether a mammogram mass is benign or malignant

  • Data: The dataset can be found from University of Irvine: Mammographic Mass.
  • Goal: Build a Multi-Layer Perceptron and train it to classify masses as benign or malignant based on its features.
  • Challenges: The data needs to be cleaned; many rows contain missing data, and there may be erroneous data identifiable as outliers as well.
  • Approach:

    • Review data quality, and missing data. Drop if not a lot of records are wrong
    • Transform the data to be usable by sklearn using numpy

See personal notebook in mammogram_mass folder

Computer vision with PyTorch: classify sushi, pizza and steak

  • Data: The food 101 dataset from PyTorch vision
  • Goal: Develop a NN to classify images
  • Challenges: The number of layers
  • Approach: Develop a basic NN and then compare it with existing CNN
Demonstration with pytorch scripts
  • Create a virtual env and install requirements under the pytorch folder; pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Under computer vision, load the data sets locally: python --classes sushi,steak,pizza
  • Do a simple classification using a Tiny VGG: python
  • Use transfer learning (see explanations here): python

Other use case

  • Data:
  • Goal:
  • Challenges:
  • Approach: